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Hampson, Jane. (2007). NT: Caroline Rannersberger. Art & Australia, 44 Autumn(3).


Goethe Institut, 2007, Portrait subject of, Far Away, So Close, Germans living in Australia, by Claudia TerstappenABC, 2007, Landscape Painting


Documentary ‘Painting Australia, Kakadu’; ABC. (2006). Painting Australia: Kakadu.   Retrieved April 8, 2010, from


Green, F (Ed) 2007, TogArt Contemporary Art Award (NT), PR Print, Queensland


Unwin, S. (2007). Caroline Rannersberger. Resident Magazine(6; Wet Season), 172.


Australia Business Arts Foundation, 2007, ‘Top Ten Tips for Exhibiting Artists’


ABN Amro Emerging Artist Award Catalogue


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